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The Shoals Region Rocked it!! Over $252,000 raised!

Together with our amazing 2024 Walk Chair, Dr. Tera Kirkman – Dean & Professor, University of North Alabama, Anderson College of Nursing & Health Professions, our wonderful sponsors, teams, and individuals we surpassed our goal of $187,000! Thanks to the many volunteers who helped make the day run smoothly. Thank you to all who attended…

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8 Reasons to Participate in a Charity Walk or Run Event

Odds are you’re familiar with an annual charity walk or fun run in your community; you may also know someone who routinely participates in them. You might think of these events as “goody two-shoes” activities that only make sense for zealous do-gooders or unattainably fit people — but you’d be wrong. Anyone can participate in charity walks and even charity…

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Vital Vigilance: Things to Know for National Kidney Month

Vital Vigilance: Things to Know for National Kidney Month   March shines a spotlight on one of the body’s most essential yet often overlooked organs: the kidneys. In observance of National Kidney Month (and on March 9, World Kidney Day), it’s vital to educate yourself about kidney disease: its prevalence, risk factors, and preventive strategies.…

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